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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: [FwM] As Equestria Turns:MLP Without the Kiddy Thread 9

    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
    "Threats have no bite when the target knows you would kill them. There I go. Talking to the air again." His little brown hooves flailed everywhere in the snobbiest noble manner he could muster.
    Her body jolted with wild anger, must...restrain self...murder you will when the chance comes. She sputtered in wtf-ery. "What the...!....That makes no sense you insert choice profanity here.....!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    Icy certainly wasn't in the right frame of mind to object, the weather being bad and all. It's not like she had anything better to do, right?
    And somehow they just ended up on the floor, why not. Fox laid on his back, rubbing his belly with a faint sweaty glow to himself. "Best rainy day activity, much more exciting than coloring outside the lines in a coloring book." He cheesed.
    Sliverpine frowned as the two galloped along the streets of Bridle Shores... like normal earth ponies. He shot Gearstride a questioning glance. "Looks like we're slow today."

    She said coming to a halt. "Ya don't think its the effect of water, do ya? Maybe water effects the molecular structure of the suit? Or something, I dunno, but this is something interesting to report."
    Last edited by Benson; 2012-04-06 at 12:51 AM.