Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
For Rainbow, this the second drink for the day. An it is a light one. A little sweet and a bit bold. The nice taste is great. Refreshing like the fact that got Sandy to drink.. She couldn't remember him doing so. Maybe it was alcohol based memory loss. She ponders that for a while.

Before she could have another taste before Sandy snatched the glass away for another toast. It was returned to her delight though.
(Woo, train wi-fi!)

It's not that Sandy didn't drink. It's just that, at his constitution, you have to be careful about it. And since he shared Silverpine's love for root beer, there just wasn't much occasion to. Pardoning the multiple occasions the Cap'n slipped him ale when he wasn't looking...

In any case, Sandy happily sipped the wine, feeling his worries get all fuzzy and out of focus. It felt...good. "What sorta wine is this, anyhow? It's none too shabby, I'll give it that."