Quote Originally Posted by Karoht View Post

Any thoughts?
Well the main question is what are you doing with your marines early? If you're just having them for the sake of it then maybe you could put the minerals to better use by scouting better early.

I'm sure one of the other posters can give you a better idea but tanks give a much much better defence, admittidly only against ground forces, than marines will. I would say its safe to take an expansion once you have tanks up as you can defend against any big pushes that will inevitably have to come through your front gate.

Of course be wary of drops in your mineral line and anything else that will make your tank defence less worth it. The good thing is though, you have an opening you're happy with and one you see working. I would stick to that for now but have a think of what kind of things can stop your opening from being effective against each of the races.

For example, if you see a 6 pool, then change your build to wall off early and pump some more marines.

Additionally you might want to think about maybe using those marines to secure your natural and by that I mean pushing out so you can put pressure on your opponent, which allows you to build your natural because if you see your army destroyed you've got time to build some defences before his army can be at your base.

People on these forums seem to upload lots of replays of games so you could put some here and people will critique or maybe download some of their replays yourself to check out their openings and when they expand.