Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
Hermitage of Dalachrech- Azurelle's Room

The two females that Waterstrider can smell are beyond the plain door next to the wardrobe. The door is locked. The bed smells of four different people; one is there regularly, the other two less so. One of those other two is in the room beyond the door, which isn't soundproofed- slavery's accepted in the Hermitage, and all the important people have slaves.

Azurelle doesn't keep a journal, unfortunately for Justin. There's a pouch of coins in the pocket of a dress in the wardrobe, and all the clothing inside is either a silk dress or practical soft leather tunic designed for wearing underneath metal armour; the exception being a green tabard depicting a double-ended centipede in red. In a drawer is a selection of metal plates, all lacquered red; a custom-made suit of platemail made for Azurelle. The breastplate has a black lacquer double-ended centipede displayed prominently on it.

The chest is filled with knives, whips, and devices that blur the line between sex toy and torture implement.

Under the bed is a long, low chest with two keys resting on it. The chest is also locked.

Justin swipes the coins without a second thought. Ooh, but a locked chest and two keys. Jackpot. He pulls the chest and keys out and tests which one works for the chest.