Outside The Hermitage

The bare ground around the Hermitage is dotted with the lairs of giant trapdoor spiders. There's enough of them that getting across is very difficult- if one walks. DC's flying above them, so he doesn't trigger any of the tripwires that alert the spiders that there's prey nearby. The patch of bare ground is just longer than the range of a bow shot from the roof. But I don't know how far a bow can be shot on average.

"Elezibethele isz inszide the Hermitage. To get acrosszz, you use the path." Those aren't very helpful answers, but the ettercap answered the question it heard being asked; ettercaps aren't as smart as people, and they think in a completely different way.

Underside Temple

"No matter how much I like the surface world, I won't be able to stay. I have to be here for my parish, and to train Will in the ways of the faith and the duties of the clergy." Charynrae stops stroking Sylvia's hair and reaches over to give her a hug.