Quote Originally Posted by Landis963 View Post
If you import a save from ME2, then you have a shot at 5000: I currently have 5492 or something like that in my canon!Shep run after being shunted back to before Cronus Station after completing the game.
I strongly suspect you're making a mistake somewhere. Most likely, you're looking at total assets, have a higher than 50% readiness, or have promoted multiplayer characters or other assets not available through single-player only. The 4k/5k figure is for effective assets, after readiness is applied, so that if you go in to the final fight with less than 8k total you don't get the "Shepard lives" version of the Destroy ending.

I finished up with just below 7200 total / 3600 effective, on an ME -> ME2 -> ME3 import with No One Left Behind, the genophage cured with Eve living and marrying Wrex, the geth and the quarians united, etc. as well as almost all the content in ME3 explored (a few quests cut short by Priority: Tuchanka - I'm still annoyed by that) and a handful of penalties from choices made such as who to side with in various minor disputes. If there are 800 extra assets to be scraped up between - well, what? - leaving Chakwas and the VS on the Citadel to aid the war effort, going back to the first game and killing Wrex so that a dumber Wreav will commit weakened krogan forces alongside the salarian fleets I get for sabotaging the cure? - I have a hard time seeing where they might come from.