Quote Originally Posted by subanark View Post
Well I guess I do have to take everything with a grain of salt. I did notice one of them with the legendary staff who had 6/8 heroic achieves (not the 8/8 the guild supposedly had). Still it is better progression than anyone else on the server. I'm not surprised, realms at the bottom of progression will often attract guilds that want to be on top.
We were thinking of moving to a lower end server to try and chase some server firsts. We immediately realized some issues with this approach.

1-If you ever have to replace someone, the majority of the pool of talent is... [insert non-offensive negative term related to player skill], or the population of active raiders is dramatically low.

2-Even if you do replace someone, once you get them some achievements and gear, what is to stop them from transfering to a better server?

3-Being server first on a poorly ranked server isn't always something to brag about.

4-Being one of the few, or even possibly the only, raiding guild/s on a server, you tend to take criticism just for being one of the few/only. Any screening method you use will be viewed as steep criteria, because you are successful and others are not you will be labeled as elitist jerkwads, if you ever replace someone because they don't perform well, the small town effect basically either blows it out of proportion. Either the person removed gets labeled as a failsauce, or your guild gets labeled as elitist jerks with impossibly high standards.

5-Economy is usually borked/balanced in one of two ways. Either you have a monopoly on something, or someone else does, because there are few sellers and usually few buyers as well. In theory it does keep economies balanced, as lack of demand drives prices downward, but lack of supply can equally drive prices upward. A perfect example for this Tier of content is Epic Gems. If your guild is one of a small handful that are clearing DS every week, there won't be very many gems available to buy. You'll be more reliant on what drops (randomly), or gem prices will be high because of lack of supply.

Just some thoughts. Our guild had this whole discussion at one point. It's something we keep bringing up actually, but largely we agree that it would not be in our best interest as a progression focused guild.