((Sheesh. I can't even sleep any more.))

[You Know, That Library Everypony's Talking About]

Flower Tail gave Fox an indignant look. "Oh, cool it with the dramatics. It's not like you were humiliated in front of the entire town or anything."

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
"No, that's not what I...I meant 'everypony who isn't me', I can be all right later-"
"What is wrong with you?" asked Flower Tail, although with a different meaning from the one you'd expect. "What is so wrong with you that you don't deserve what other ponies deserve?"

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate
"Wait, heard what? Who's turnin' me into a rat now? Augh, I don't want t'lose the wings too..."
"Relax, Sandy. I'm joking, and I didn't mean a literal rat anyway. You're reminding me of when you were little, you know." Night Jewel smirked. It seemed she didn't need to be affectionate to bring about adorable awkwardness. "Anyway, like you said, you're kind of prone to changing, so at some point, you're bound to."

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate
"Wait, is this what all that draggin' off was about? I thought it was for science...er, I guess the science was unwillin', but I don't-"

Too much...too many questions...Sandy shut his eyes and shielded his head against the horrible confusing mess that was this situation. All he had wanted was to help with cleanup, do some good for these ponies, and now... "Just what in the hay...what the hay is even going on anymore?!"
"It's the same thing even if it is for science. And I think it was all pretty obvious. You got grabbed and dragged here, then let go when this 'Icy' realized you weren't up for it. Are you really that tired, or are you just-"

"Flower Tail!"