Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
((I meant "hoof", not "foreleg" , sorry))
He grabbed the bag, and instead of grapping it on his foreleg, he puts it like a necklace, only that he carries the container on his back.

"I'm Luka, I'm new around here...."
"what's so much with ladies?....I don't exactly get it"

He apparently doesn't get that not everyone is celibate like him..... And that he's still pretty young.
[It works either way in this instance]

"Luka, that's weird name, sounds more like a Griffon name,"
He commented as he took a wobbly step forward until he got the hang of walking. "What's not to get about the ladies. MmmmMmm, those curves, adorable muzzles, the whole package really." He murmured.