Quote Originally Posted by Eric Scott View Post
Shiver and Shake being the first ones through the tunnel can see a massive cavern with a city sitting in the middle on a sort of shelf-like platform that is held in place by many pillars of rock stretching out into the walls around it... the only illumination comes from yet another lava fall although, this one falls right through the center of the city and you can see that it continues down past the city for quite a distance, such a distance that you cannot see the bottom. There is a walkway to the city approximately 100 feet to the left of the opening of your tunnel.

Climb checks if you want to get to the walkway, if you can't fly.
One of the buffs I gave everyone allows flight.
Vitis darts off, gaining a bit of height and hovering about 40 ft. over the walkway.

Unless you'll allow me to convert gp straight into gear, I'll need to buy supplies to actually make the piles of stuff we want me to make.