Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

But Gwynfillion was eating it, trying to figure out if she liked it, it was, different.

Wrymple on the other hoof, scarfed it down like nopony's business, all food tasted exceptionally yummy to it.

She finally swallowed her bite and drank whatever Grills had for their drink. "Its, good, different but good, never had this before."
Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Garion beamed at her approval of the dish. Still no smile though. Maybe if they worked harder on the next one, they'd get a grin for sure. He started to dig in to his own food, but halted himself. He slowed down, tried to only take adequately-sized bites, move his jaw down, er...and he thought those were all the eating rules? Good enough for now, anyway.

As for the food, he shared Miss Gwyn's opinion. Different, but very good. Although, when his only meal had been leftover breakfast food, that would've applied to just about anything Mister Grills could make.
The reaction of the pets was pleasing. The more reserved emotions of the other ponies was good enough too. He hid his joy in his slow chewing of the food.

"Good, huh? I knew it." Grills nodded twice in a a self assured manner.