Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"So, what sort of food is this Grills? Like the cultural background."
She asked swallowing another bite, strange texture thing going on for her. She looked over at Garion seeing if he was eating like the way he was more or less taught.
Garion was putting forth a valiant effort, at least. He wasn't wolfing down the food quite so badly, his bites were adequately-sized, and he wasn't sticking his muzzle into his food. His napkin still lay unused on the table, his posture was all wrong, and there was likely a thousand other rules the colt was unaware of.

Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
"I learned to make it in my travels. I saddlebagged to a small mountain town between Moombai and Cowcutta. There i met Priestess Sari. She taught me the Blue Bull or Nilgai dish." Grills continued his lecture of his Nilgai and Gaur culture. How he learned the meditation that helped controlled his pyromancy to cooking. How he was chased by bengal tigers. And when he learned some salad art by elephants. "That was a wondrous month."
Garion sat spellbound by the fanciful tales of far-off lands and wild adventures. "How did you know to jump that cliff to get away from the tigers? And how did you hear about the Princess? And why did you need to learn about those foods? How hot was that volcano you visited? How..." And so the foal continued with a never-ending barrage of questions, his food momentarily forgotten.