Ah yes... the Roleplayer Vs the Optimizer... I personally managed to merge the two into one being known as "The Player"

Viewing feats as: Simple to Extraordinary improvements upon your characters base skills (Ex. a Dual Wielder would have the TWF branch of feats, or a Master Artificer would have plenty of cost reduction feats to show how skilled they are with even the smallest items, or perhaps a magnificent Archwizard would have feats that improve there spellcasting and even have the Archmage prestige class)

Viewing Class features as: Abilities that the characters profession provides (Ex. a Rogue's trapfinding might have been earned through years of attempting breaking and entering jobs only to learn the obvious fact that people guard the things they like, or the Cleric's Turn/Rebuke Undead was earned through a special ritual that marks the Cleric as a servant of [insert deity here], or the Paladin's Divine Grace as the truest and most pure/vile gift from his/her god)

Viewing Skills as: The accumulated knowledge of years either adventuring or just sheer study. (No real example for this, if you'd like PM me one and I'll use it)

Anywho! Thats how I managed to merge optimization with RP'ing... Take the philosophy or leave it (or HELL improve upon it if you'd like)