Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post
With a voice and expression of utter, cold, dead, calm.

"No. I'm looking for the *squawk see-reek scree* that stole my best friend's soul." If anyone in the room could speak griffon, they'd probably wince.

Meanwhile Ms. White just looks confused. "Um. Pardon?"

"I don't want to have to use a defensive spell for this. I just want to talk. Unless you want to just sap me and jump out a window again."

"But...who...you..what...what did he do to you?"

"Dr. Horne didn't do anything to me. He just saw my potential, like he saw yours."

"You're corrupted! Like that wolf, like he tried to do to me!"

"Like you succeeded in doing to him." A table, some tea, four seats and four cups appear out of nowhere. "Care to listen?"
"Now, hold on here! She's no soul-thief, 'n she hasn't been corruptin' anything. Before she got here, she couldn't hurt a housecat in self-defence... What kind of tea is that?"

Blades put away some of the instruments of murder, but kept them within easy reach, and sat down. "So what's goin' on? Or are ya just as confused?"

Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post

Luka gets surprised by the sudden change in the filly, he completely didn't expect that; and since his father was a griffon, he knows the language, he winces. Nor did he believe Arvadraa was as evil as Stellar described, even less if someone actually sent a corrupted wolf after her.

He sneakily slides the scarf from Stelar's neck, steps away from her and tries to reach his sword with his right hoof just in case she really turns out to be corrupted, then remembers he doesn't have his armor on....again.

when the table appears he whispers to himself
"great! nice job! you just brought trouble!"
He then facehoofs.
"I wonder if unicorns ever stab 'emselves doin' that?" said Blades.