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    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Mass Effect 3.5B: Taste the Rainbow (Story and Ending Discussion; Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Calemyr View Post
    What they've said so far is not really helping the polarized community. Many are taking it as either self-righteous justification or a simple middle finger to their fans. Many are seeing it as a chance to do it right this time around.

    I personally sit in the second camp. The ending wasn't without merit, really. It was just really poorly done. If they take the time to do it right (and if they have the space for the resources), they have an opportunity to make it work.

    I really want to see them do it, I really do. I'm not holding my breath, though. Their attitude on this fiasco hasn't seemed to change since day 2, when they were so hurt that we were too dumb to see their artistic brilliance.
    The responses from Bioware I've seen about how their new DLC will "clarify" without damaging the "artistic integrity" of the existing ending is only cementing the damage. It sounds like a Bioware high-up has staked their ego on that ending and is prepared to see the franchise burn before admitting they screwed up.

    It's sad really. Bioware wanted to move from the Forgotten Realms in NWN to make their own equivalent IP, and with the Mass Effect universe they managed to create that. They could have made spin-offs for years, maybe decades. Now they've let it all blow up (in player choice of colours!) in the name of "artistic integrity". I guess they really do believe it isn't art without a sacrificial ending.

    Edit: Was the writer in charge of the ending the one who thought it would be a good idea to put that darn kid in throughout the game? That was so hilariously cheesy.
    Last edited by Trazoi; 2012-04-16 at 06:30 PM.