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Thread: Starcraft 2: 8 Medivac drop

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    DarkMemnarch's Avatar

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    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Starcraft 2: 8 Medivac drop

    Quote Originally Posted by Cynan Machae View Post
    So according to Sc2gears (not that I needed it to know that), my ZvZ sucks terribly (sub 50% winrate , 75% in zvP and ZvT )

    Is there any Zerg (at least diamond) willing to play that matchup with me? Even tho nobody like it

    On a sidenote, somebody linked this to me which I found amusing:
    I will be willing to help you if you want and I am diamond, so your requirement has been fulfulled. Here are some replays of me playing ZvZ so I hope that these help 1 2 3

    Edit: Let me know if you want more.
    Last edited by DarkMemnarch; 2012-04-17 at 02:09 AM.