Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Walking a dog...Garion had a vague notion of what that entailed. Whatever it was, he just had to experience it firsthoof. "Walking? Can it be walking time after question time? Please, please, please, Mister Grills?" Apparently begging was also an innate talent of foals everywhere.
Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
A wrinkle crept up his forehead. Probably because he is rubbing it. "How can I say no to such a face. I guess.. Sugar can wait."

Sugar pouted and walked over to nudge Wyrmple. She had to show someone her disbelief of the situation.
Gwynfillion almost wanted to side with the dog this time, the dog. She sighed to herself a her cheek on a hoof. "Ask away Garion."

Wrymple in the meanwhile took Sugar's nudging as a sing to play, Wrymple was too busy not really paying attention to mama, papa and the mini papa, not that it really understood them anyway.

Anyway, so Wrymple gave Sugar a big lick on the head.