Quote Originally Posted by Rikandur Azebol View Post
Cecelyne thinks that she's infinite, but would You agree with me that it is merely incalculably big ? She have definite borders, as imaginative as they seem to be, and thus can't be truly infinite.
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Are you familiar with a Ray, in the geometrical sense?
A ray is a line. It has no width, and only extends in one direction, with a definite starting point. However, it nonetheless extends infinitely out into the other direction.

Infinite is not something in and of itself. Infinite it is an adjective, a modifier of other traits. I can have an infinite number of apples, but that does not mean any of them are ever an orange. I can have an infinitely large apple, but it is still a single apple.

Infinite is not the same as "all encompassing." You can have infinite possibilities without having all possibilities. You can have infinite area with only a single aspect of a shape that is infinite.

Through understanding this, one can comprehend how Cecelyne can easily be of a finite width, and yet be infinite. She can have borders, while possessing infinite sands within herself. You can also grasp how the Wyld can be a crucible of infinite possibility, while not possessing any possibility that is the end of all possibilities.
For example, you can have infinite possibilities for reality just by altering how many four leaf clovers exist. Start at 1, and continue into infinity. Now you have infinite possibilities, but they all have the same parameters, except for the number of four leaf clovers they contain.

The Wyld as I see it cannot contain the possibility of no possibilities- it is antithetical to its nature. Like so many creation stories before it, the beginning of Exalted displays the Wyld as the primordial chaos, the crucible of life and the wellspring of creativity. The presence of such an engine of life might inspire the concept of no possibilities, might bring about the concept of complete end and void, but it is not of or from the Wyld, rather a concept created beside it, and a concept that cannot be realized while the Wyld yet exists.