Quote Originally Posted by Selpharia View Post
As a random aside, I have a question born out of today's morning routine.

Has anyone else had the experience of looking into a mirror, and seeing the same figure that you see every day, who you recognize less and less from your mental image of yourself the more you look at it, but then you turn a specific way, or look from a specific angle, and you catch the barest glimpse of that ideal, but when you stop to take it in, or move even the slightest bit, she's [or he's] gone and the usual mask has fallen back into place?

Ye gods, that felt pretentious, but it's the only real way I can describe it.
Sometimes. There are times I can swear I see the person I want to be somewhere in my reflection, but if I move, smile, rub my face while my hands happen to be wet... Well, she's replaced by who I've had to be. :/

Also, assuming you haven't gotten one yet; *welcomeglomp!*

Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
Bleh, major wave of depression earlier when I was playing League of Legends with a friend and some of her friends and I was too nervous to join the skype call with my crappy boyish voice and then I just got a whole panic wave wash over me over how stupid this all is and I feel like I basically made no progress the last weeks and I have a therapist appointment and I'm too nervous to ask when I can start HRT because I'm afraid the answer might devastate me and...
*Hugs!* :<
