Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post
And ARGH! this makes my brain hurt! Who made these tables?! They are completely random with no system behind them whatsoever!
At up to 10,000 XP, a cleric is of a higher level than a druid. From 10,000 to 1,000,000 XP, the druid is of a much higher level than a cleric. And then the druid suddenly gets stuck at 14th level and stays there for well after the cleric made 20th. What the hell?!

Clerics have access to the All, Astra, Charm, Combat, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necromatic, Protection, Summoning, and Sun spheres (with minor access to Elemental). Druids have access to All, Animal, Elemental, Healing, Plant, and Weather spheres (minor access to Divination). The much better access to spells means the Cleric requires more experience to level up, the logic goes.

The high XP for 15th level Druids are likely RP reasonings.