Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
Lochbed is conveniently located on the couch when Aubade approaches her. The kelpie is simply lounging there in a sleepless trance before the question is asked. "Mah first intention was to drown and eat him but Ah am not allowed to anymore. Nor do Ah wish to. Ember is such a sweet and honarable lad.

Now my intentions are to fulfill my end of our pact and be a loyal fillfriend. Mah other intention for Ember is to make him part of my lifelong. Ah prefer a lifelong over a fairy tale."

"He is a good boy...."
She furrowed her brows and glanced away. "I just don't want him to get hurt, I don't want him to get involved in fae matters as well, I want you to continue to keep that world separate from him."