Quote Originally Posted by OrchestraHc View Post
Lakeside - Tomorrow

"That's nice of him. I'm actually sorry about what I said afterwards," Justin says taking the money. "Well the day after the casino, I went by your place to check up on you. And you were gone. Then I met your grumpy ghost brother. When I found out you were at Remnant I tried hatching a plan to "rescue you." Even cut my hair and was going to die it." He lowers his head, it's had some time to grown in, but his hair isn't as messy as it was when they first met. "But there's this deadtime right in the stylist's chair. So I'm stuck for a while. A bit later, I'm free and clear meet a short guy named Brand Applehill. He works here actually, he's the chef, I think. We hit it off, fast friends and everything. Few days later, we meet in the market, and he asks me a favor, help him save slaves from a cult. Right now, I'm waiting on some enchanted rings that'll make it easier to coerce the slaves to leave with us*." Throughout all this talking he manages to work without missing a beat. Guess it's just something he got used to. This is until he stops for a moment. He stares at his hands. He wrings his hands for a moment and looks unsure for a second, but then starts working again. "So, kids? Twins at that. Are they identical?"

((*This is essentially me deciding where in the timeline Justin is.))
Lakeside - Tomorrow

"Right, I know Brand, although not really well. He and the rest of the Applehills are just about the nicest people in camp, and that's saying a lot." Julie wipes her brow as she withdraws the hand she passed Justin the change with, then gets back to digging. Can't be long now, at least she doesn't think Ermine buried it much deeper than this...

"No, they're... fraternal, I think is the word. Two little girls, but they couldn't be more different from each other.

If you'd like to swing by the cabin some time when I'm less busy and there's a bit less contraband around, I'd be happy to introduce you to them. Eric might like to say hi as well, you never know."