Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post
Is there something like that? Basically the 2nd Edition rules, but with everything converted to be "roll equal or higher". Same classes, same chances, but an easier time to calculate if an attack or save is a success or not.
I am so completely lost on this, Yora wants soemthing that already exists in 2nd ed but yet she don't?

or what am i missing here?

Or does Yora think that teh whoel THAC0 thing is hard math? ive never really thought of subtratcion as hard but I guess for some its a bit confusing which is why 3rd ed just wnet with the +X BaB, becuase everybody knows that bigger numbers are big.

(when secretly its almots teh same exacl thing as THAC0 was...)

an easy way for me to explain to people coming orm a 3rd ed bakground or somebody completely new to RPGs is this

IN COMBAT : roll high

OUT OF COMBAT : roll low

of course there are some exceptions to the rule like trying to dive between somebody's legs as an attack ect, but when something like that comes up we will cross that bridge.

Yora i think should be more head-ached about how much deadlier things were in 2nd ed myself.

not the 'maths hard ' part.