[Infirmary w/ Reinholdt]

Quote Originally Posted by VampireRot View Post
"I don' need ta be escorted by that cowardly cyborg."

Ermine scoffs at Magtok. She is not in a very good mood, for obvious reasons. She pointedly turns away from him and looks at Melody, tail still lashing.

"If ye fink dis 'Erin' can help get us our revenge, let's go talk to 'er then. I've 'eard some nasty rumors about HALO, though."

You hear the worst things about people when hanging around seedy bars with pirates and brigands.
Melody looks up at Magtok, then back to Ermine. She pauses as she's about to say something, then decides better of it. Let's go. she stands up. The people at Halo are really nice people. Glog and Halo are allies. We shouldn't have much trouble.

[Island Cave]

Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
"Yeah, yeah." Vincent says, the area around him perfectly lit and the area just beyond that perfectly dark. There's no in between as Vincent proceeds further into the cave.
The walls and ceiling of the cave are pink and smooth. The floor is soft, almost bouncy, and a darker shade of the pink.

As they go further down the cave, Vincent may begin to notice a very unpleasant smell.

Caroline does notice however. Ewwww! What's that smell? It's like.... she takes another whiff. Rotting fish.

{Infirmary w/ Marty}

Quote Originally Posted by singingnoodle View Post
Marty tries to turn his face away. He didn't like talking about himself. I...It's...s-stuff...stuff h-happened. I g-got hurt...I thought p-people c-could change...it's n-nothing...just m-memories...I...uh...f-fell into a c-cactus patch a year ago? Wow...what a great lie...you fell into a cactus patch and almost lost all the skin on your chest? It's obvious he's lying.
Don't lie to me, Marty. We need to know what has happened, if we are going to help you. She gives his foot a little tickle, to let him know what's in store, if he continues to lie.