Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
On the plus side you could make icecream!
... I choose to be squicked out (I have enough kinks as it is).

Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
Tangentially related; but I figured you might find it interesting. I've read quite a few accounts of trans men experiencing a "phantom penis", which is often described akin to the sort of "phantom limbs" people who have lost limbs might experience? On the other hand; trans women who undergo GRS apparently note experiencing a "phantom penis" only in a minority of cases, contrary to cis men with genital damage. So I guess this sorta supports the "neurological body map" theory?
Possibly. It's worth noting that it's possible to trick people's minds/brains? into "adopting" parts - the examples I saw were with a rubber hand. The elbow was covered with a sheet, and the person doing the test/illusion was rubbing it with different materials. Even though the people knew that the hand wasn't their own, they reacted as though they could feel it.

They also inevitably jumped and gasped when he hit it with a hammer. It's hard to say whether they felt it or were just surprised.

I have... A bit of experience with that sort of thing. >.>
I think... I sometimes have a phantom womb. And occasionally a vagina. It feels like there's flesh where it shouldn't be, and like what is is just... Arranged all wrong. But at the same time... It's like something's missing.

If I hadn't been experiencing it for so long (and been examined by several doctors over the years), I'd think I had some sort of injury half the time. It's not like pain, just... The kind of thing you advance checkups over. :/

It isn't getting any better, but... It's a bit easier to put up with now that I understand it.

Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
Well, if you have equal lack of interest in men and women, go with 5?
Well, I guess a lack of attraction to either would be an equal amount to both. I don't think the survey would quite "get" it, though. >.>
