Infirmary w/ Reinholdt

Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post
Magtok offers up one last cold glare in Ermine's direction, before opening a telewarp portal to take himself home. Loathsome little scoundrel, that Reinholdt was. Whatever he got, he deserved. If he happened to leave some people behind to mourn him, then that's a terrible shame for those folks, but the cyborg isn't going to pretend to be friends with anyone just because an enemy of his died, especially not when she totally started it by shoving him and glaring for no reason at all.
Quote Originally Posted by VampireRot View Post
Ermine just grunts wordlessly in response to Melody. She doesn't bother to point out that she's not a member of GLoG and is in fact an actual lawless pirate. From the less-scandalous talk of HALO she's heard, trouble is a real possibility.

The pirate follows Melody, letting her lead the way to the other organization. She gives Reinholdt's corpse a mournful look as she exits the infirmary.
Before he leaves, Melody waves sadly to Magtok. And then it's off to HALO, to find Erin.

Melody isn't officially a member of GLoG, either. Though, I guess she's still on the roster.

{Infirmary w/ Marty}

Quote Originally Posted by singingnoodle View Post
Marty tenses. He looks up at her slowly, as if deciding to tell her the truth. Eventually he tells her. ....There's m-many scars...f-from different things....My chest....G-Grendar d-did that....h-he was a gnoll...I was going t-to kill him...f-for Shada. Grendar hurt Shada...w-when she was a slave...b-but when I went b-back to Shada, after almost dieing...she was....g-gone...I....m-may I please n-not t-talk about the rest? That w-was enough..... Marty looks away and suddenly seems interested in counting the tiles on the floor.
Vidalia caresses his head. Yes, that's enough. For now. But Marty, you need to talk to someone smarter than me about this. You need to be healed, inside and out, or you'll have nothing but pain.