Artemis starts taking deep breaths as she approaches the gym. Her brain felt like it was being hit with a hammer. And now mister guttermind is following them! She briefly considers throwing his Eevee at him, but quickly remembers that that would likely harm the Eevee, not to mention leave a bad impression with Jessica and Taylor. She just follows uncomfortably, rolling her eyes at the attempt to flirt with Jessica.

How many psychic minds were in here!? What could they all be doing that would create such a wave of energy!? Her breathing gets heavier again. Well at least Guttermind seems to have moved onto normal male thoughts now. Not pleasent, but not...eck. She didn't dare try to pry into the mind of another psychic.

Aquilla chirps at the new guy as he approaches. When he attempts to woo Jessica, he instantly starts glaring at her. Nobody was taking her trainer from her, especially not some prettyboy. Artemis just pets the Rufflet. Don't worry, Aquilla. That would require him actually to be of interest to me.