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Thread: LGBTAitP Part 23: Et tu, ~Bianca?

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Laser Frog's Avatar

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    Mar 2012

    Default Re: LGBTAitP Part 23: Et tu, ~Bianca?


    ...This thread moves really fast. Or maybe it just seems that way when all you've been doing is lurking and not posting. >_> I blame everything.

    On the topic of rating scales for sexuality, I remember one time looking at one exhibit about masculinity among men all over the queer spectrum, where the subjects had to rate things about their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender presentation, etc. The middle of the scale for sexual orientation was "bisexual or asexual", and that bothered me.

    Scales like that are oversimplifying things in the first place, so is that really the best way to represent sexual orientation linearly? Would they allow you to cross out "bisexual" (or "asexual" for that matter) just to clarify things? If they included a separate scale for rating how sexual you were, would a lot of people even know where they fell on it?

    Also, I support the (-1)^(0.5) answer wholeheartedly.

    Quote Originally Posted by KenderWizard View Post
    "Addicted to being transgender?" (That's what I thought it was going to be when it was the addiction page.) Acupuncture is strange to me. I think it does help people with some things, because it's very mentally soothing to have someone pay lots of attention to you, but I dunno if the whole pins thing does anything or not. Maybe it relaxes you a lot, that would be helpful. I'm not putting it with, y'know, vaccines or anything, but it's not as bad as homeopathy.
    I'm somewhat skeptical about acupuncture myself, but I never looked at it this way before. Putting aside the whole chi/meridians thing, I just thought that putting needles into your skin was supposed to stimulate...some kind of physiological quality, whether that's blood flow or what have you.
    Last edited by Laser Frog; 2012-04-20 at 11:59 AM.