
Krystal was surprised for a moment when Gamma Girl mentioned the Fantastic Four. How could somebody here know of heroes from her home dimension? Then she remembered the man she met at Trog's. The one who told her that her entire reality was simply a world of fiction to him. In the form of comics. Needless to say, that was kind of a shocker for her. She still has a hard time coming to terms with that.

Regardless, the surprise passes, and Krystal nods in agreement with the others. They're both right. Nobody can fill your shoes. You are unique. We need you, and we want you.

Alley Near DFI

The shrinking dumpster shenanigans definitely catches Ivaz's attention. And she just can't resist joining in.

As annoying as he may be, the lizard's got a point. We could do a lot more if we worked with each other. Go ahead and claim to not be a villain all you want. That group at the zoo won't care. So, why try to go it alone, huh?