[Pokemon Center]

Glamdring gets set down on the ground!

For some strange reason his master doesn't want him to maul people to death. This completely baffles him! After a bit of thought he decides that perhaps the best course of action will be to refrain killing anything until he can figure out these people's crazy moon language. Then he'll just be able to ask what's going on!

The Drageon shifts his gaze from Becca to the spacy girl and back to Becca again.

He could try asking a question...

But his master would have no idea what he's saying.

Which is a real bugger.


That guy in the snappy black and red uniform? He snaps his cell phone shut and begins sneaking up behind Glamdring. No doubt he just wants a closer look.

[Random Street]

The trash can is lifted up revealing!


There's nothing under it.