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Thread: "Common Sense" approach to rules (RACSD)

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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Dec 2011

    Default Re: "Common Sense" approach to rules (RACSD)

    Quote Originally Posted by Malachei View Post
    Rule 15: Unconscious does not mean Mindraped

    It has been argued whether unconscious creatures get a Will save. To me, it is clear that the following paragraph is to be read in context:

    Which implies that it applies to spells that affect willing targets (unless one purposefully ignores the first part of the paragraph).

    The rules on the condition unconscious in no way indicate an unconscious target would not get a save, or not a Will save: see the SRD.

    Denying an unconscious creature a Will save opens the gates to all kind of abuse, including mindrape.

    Thus, I propose rule 15:

    Clarification: An unconscious creature is not hindered from making a Will save. In the case of harmless effects, or in the case of spells that affect willing targets only, the creature is considered willing.
    I agree with this so long as there is some penalty to will saves while someone is unconscious. Maybe a -4 penalty?

    EDIT: In hindsight, I agree with Malachei that the penalty probably falls under a different purview in terms of ruling than his interpretation, so if it is to be included it should probably at the very least be separated in the main post.
    Last edited by Namfuak; 2012-04-20 at 04:39 PM.