Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post
So day one of my ADHD medication comes to an end.

Interestingly, I didn't notice any effect until about 4 hours later, when it's actually supposed to wear off. But I very much noted when it wore off about an hour later. From a 9 out of 10 in regard to my concentration, I'd now place myself at 2 or a low 3. I actually was 5 minutes in the kitchen and generally aimlessly wandering around my appartment between the last two sentences... *sigh*

The only side effect I noted is the lack of hunger and thirst, which might become a bit of a problem.
Crap, I've just been wandering the room again! Thank god we're finally starting the medication trial now. These will be interesting three weeks.
My advice would be to keep track of how your days go, and what effects you do/don't notice with them. Your psychiatrist should be able to adjust the medication and/or dosage much more effectively if you can give them as much detail as possible.

I'd also expect that seeing some effect on your first round of experimentation is a good sign. I don't know enough about that to know for sure, but it certainly sounds like a good sign to me.