Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post

Lochbed scratches her head for a moment. Then she it. "OOooooch. Good. Now for ye. How can Ah be of service to ye."
Aubade looked the kelpie up and down in an observational manner. "Well, I know your lying about how you think my food is good. I know you fae don't take to kind to equine food." She glanced outside past the window at the rain. "Let's go to the park's lake, find you some fish there to eat. Its raining, not many will be out to notice someone 'fishing' in the lake."


If everypony who is going is loaded onto the Mechatank, the sniper lifts off and slugs it to Mach's.

If not, she gives them all dirty looks. Dirty but respectful looks.
Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Still Outside the Cirrus

"Aye, Cap'n. I'll put it on the frostiest ice we've got, post-haste." He stood at attention, simply waiting to see the tank off.
Gear gives him a small salute before the hatch closes as the four in the tank speed clunk/roll their way to Mach's place.