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Thread: [Nexus] Inside 44

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 44

    [The Chase from Limit Street]

    The great black appendages are far too large to be missed by a skilled marksman, but likewise the woman bearing those wings is far too skilled to be downed by the shots when she is merely leaping a fence.

    She lands nimbly on the other side, and is very careful not to fold her wings as she heads for the other half of the yard's fence....

    ... but then she doesn't appear leaping over the second side of the fence as expected. She is out of Dragan's sight behind the wood slats that surround the yard. She's not even making any sounds to alert Dragan to her actions back there.

    Anatolij's best bets are either the driveway of the yard that she just jumped the fence to, where he can cut her off if she tries to exit by the fence's side gate, or the next street down south of the street this house is on. That one will be further away from the fugitive, but would intersect with her last visible trajectory.

    [Yoghurt Street - Where it Rains Up!]

    When he mentions that he doesn't like the rain much, she starts humming. Not rudely as if she's ignoring him, but absentmindedly while she's listening to what he has to say, as if what he just said reminded her of a song. The tune is hard to make out at first.

    "Well, if you used to like it, why stop liking it now? Don't let something sad rob you of something you enjoy. Make a new memory of rain. Come on!" she holds out her hand, inviting him to step out of the bucket and come into the rain with her. "Oooh! Do you have a camera? Is that part of your talent? We should take pictures of this. How should we frame it so people can see that the rain is falling up?"

    She peers up into the sky again, then down at the ground, trying to figure out the best angle to photograph the upways rain. Now she's humming again, and murmuring, 'like the rain... hmm.. hmm... hmm... like the rain... on the darkest day... hmm... always light....'

    [edit]She only drank one drop of rain so far, so it shouldn't be enough to have any affect on her weight. Her umbrella is almost full though. The sweet taste of that one drop means she will shortly be drinking from her umbrella, but first there is the issue of taking pictures to address.[/edit]

    [Dave's Free Clinic]

    Westlanna stops in her tracks at the sight of two Daves. "Wha? How?" she points from one Dave to the other. "And I was paged, so I came." With her it is as simple as that. If she is needed, she comes.

    She sizes things up one more time.

    "Twin brother, doppleganger or clone?" she finally asks as she sets about arranging sterile instruments with her gloved hands and holds out the next thing each doctor is likely to need where he can reach it.
    Last edited by LadyOfWar; 2012-04-20 at 05:37 PM.
    Expect my character 'Wanderer' to simply vanish. Please always err on the side of continuing without me. My schedule makes my posting patchy at times and I don't want to hold up other folks' fun.

    Former alias: wingrae, Wooly Winged Wonder

    I'm officially back! Whee! I should be able to post regularly for a few months :-)