Quote Originally Posted by The Succubus View Post

You're putting way too much pressure on yourself, sweetie. Between the expectations of your friend, your family and your own self, no wonder it's getting to you.

If it's okay, can you tell me a little more about each individual bit:




It'll be easier to come up with a solution if you break it down into different bits. Helping someone with depression is hard because even the most cheerful person in the world will have trouble coping. One thing you have to do hun is set aside time for yourself and give your brain a chance to recharge. It doesn't matter how you do this, whether its gaming, reading, listening to music or even just getting a week of early nights to top up your sleep. But you have to do this. You won't be able to help your friend if you're feeling blue yourself.

With the other two, treat what goes on at school as your own affair. The time you set aside to do the coursework and what not is time *you* want to set aside - not because your teachers expect it, not because your folks expect it but because you want to cross off a little bit of work from your to-do list. The other thing is, if you're feeling stressed at school, the people that will most likely be able to help are your teachers, rather than your parents. Better yet, if you have a couple of friends doing the same courses as you, organise homework nights together. Get some drinks and some nibbles and then do some work together for just a couple of hours and follow it up with a movie or something afterwards.

The point is, I reckon you'll find you can do the work a lot more easily without a whole bunch of folk breathing down your neck.
it's not that it's too heavy or the work load is too much, I just can't focus. I find it hard to study for the courses that bore me and am not interested in, while i get very good grades on what I find interesting. I also have no idea what I want to do for a living later, which complicates things ...

@ friend
managed to talk to them again, they were distant.
He has a lot of problems which I can't help with, and he doesn't want to admit he needs help, which leads to him shutting people out because he doesn't want to burden them. The big distance between me and them doesn't help.

@ family is all in all most of an annoyance. They are old fashioned and don't accept other opinions. They nag a lot but won't stop loving me. Won't stop nagging either.