Quote Originally Posted by MilesTiden View Post
Also, I heard mention of SiuiS in a bikini...? >_> <_<
IRC exclusive, provided Kindablue calls my bluff. Besides, there's white skin, and there's banned for causing permanent retinal damage. At lest with chat you'd have a thumbnail as a warning first.

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
I believe in common parlance these days, quilt and duvet are synonymous. I don't actually know what a comforter is.
Think a comforter is a blanket that's like a sleeping bag that doesn't zip; two layers, stuffed full of cotton and hit with a zig zag to marhibalky keep everything in place.

ION, I want to use this as my gender symbol.

... Wow. Cool.

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
Quilt I believe used to refer to the type that was made in bits - either squares or hexagons usually - but they've become rare enough nowadays that I think the word has mutated to refer to duvets as well. Well, this side of the puddle, anyway. Apparently they're still popular in Ireland.

(Incidentally, duvet is pronounced as the French - dyoo-vay)
It took me... Fifteen years to find out what the difference between a quilt and s comforter was. Turns out a comforter is a type of cover/blanket, and bring quilted is something a blanket is? I dunno. I just know I wanted to stack enough of then together that I could forego a mattress.

Quote Originally Posted by MilesTiden View Post
I gave the colorguard permission to paint my nails next band trip. Something tells me they will somehow get me in drag by the end of the day. Again. This is a thing that has happened before. Twice. But this time I am actually giving them permission, just because. And beside, 'colorguard got to me' is a perfect excuse if my parents start asking awkward questions. I have tried to get my hair braided, but that did not work out to well. And my friends keep trying to give me skirts and dresses.
Well, wait. How long is your hair? I braid mine. I've even tried pigtails though they are attrocious with my hairline and facial structure. Heads up though, it usually increases masculinity of looks, rather than diminish it. May be because of the severity of pulling all my hair back however.

... I think they may be, very subtly, trying to make a point.

Although, I actually like skirts. They're swishy and soft.

EDIT: Over here in the Fabulosity Bay, I almost never hear them called duvets. Just comforters, quilts, and blankets.
Aye. If kilts are any indication, skirts are awesome.

And I will admit, Duvet is a new one to me... I think. I've heard "dove it".

Also, hi Miles!