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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
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    Rhode Island

    Default Re: Mass Effect 3.5B: Taste the Rainbow (Story and Ending Discussion; Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by VanBuren View Post
    And yet that reasoning doesn't exactly prove Synthesis to be the wrong choice. If the Catalyst liked sugar, that wouldn't mean that sugar was the wrong choice.

    Also keep in mind that Synthesis is a new option that wasn't possible before Shepard attached the Crucible, that the Catalyst hadn't even conceived of.
    Yes but that proves that the Catalyst is flawed. Meaning its absolutist basis for all its actions is flawed. That's one of the many many problems with the Catalyst, it deals in absolutes. Synthesis is only the right answer if you believe the Catalyst, but if it is fallible how can you accept is entire premise, which relies upon you accepting it 100% for truth?

    And even then since the Catalyst defines the ending, your response to the Catalyst colors your actions. I loathe the Catalyst so much that he could make me hate sugar.

    This gets back to what I posted at the top of this page, about stripping player agency for sake of an arbitrary and forced ending.
    Last edited by Derthric; 2012-04-21 at 07:46 PM.
    I'm not bad, I just aim that way ~my own comment on my Call of Duty abilities.