Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
Whitestone stands up quckly and slwings his sword at his legs to disable him.

Ironblade charges towards Silent and tries to stab through him.
Flameshield howled in pain as the sword connected with his right fore and hind legs. He wouldn't be using those anytime soon.

Quote Originally Posted by Luka View Post
Ironblade smacks Silent in the face, stunning the unicorn with the buck, but then he grabs his sword and starts swinging, throwing more bucks, sword slaps, slashes.... well, you get the idea, though damage depends on whether he could defend himself or not.

He finishes the flurry with a slash directed to his chest, that ends up in a stabbing position, he charges his sword with the same black aura he used before stabbing Idle, then thrusts the sword, directed towards the Unicorn's chest too. if he hits, Silent would fall to the ground with a slice wound where he was stabed, but wouldn't pass out due to his magic.

((now waiting for Grif ))
Snowflake charged Ironblade while he was busy with Silent, her sword swinging furiously in mid-charge.