Gee. That's an impressive document for a badly written class.

For starters, avoid the "spend a surge to make an ally deal more damage" power like the very plague; it's not nearly enough damage to make it worthwhile. Second, avoid the "spend a bunch of surges to recharge a daily power" too, except on level-1 dailies, and then you should do it between combats to avoid wasting a standard action.

If you want melee, play a class capable of making melee attacks; this one isn't. Even if you do want melee, spending feats on scale and plate is rarely worth it. Note that light armor is just as effective as heavy armor, since you get to add your int or dex bonus to your AC.

If you want a leader-y build, play a class capable of leading; this one isn't either. For a good minion-using leader (not leader-y, but actual leader) build play a Shaman.

Sorry to sound so negative but you write you want a leader-y melee character, and this clearly doesn't match that.