[Arkham Street Hospital]



That would be totally stupid. Freddy knows full well that he isn't powerful enough to take something on that smells that strong. It's probably a Wraith or something. And it would probably trounce the hell out of him. And if there's anything Freddy would like to avoid it's vengeful undead apparitions trouncing the hell out of him.

He would need, like, two or three more tails at least to take that thing on! Maybe even more.

No, he's just going to poke around for lesser phantoms and devour them.

The Huldra begins pacing the halls of the hospital, staying well away from any stairwells descending into the darkness. The stench of power and murder and hate is coming from down below and he would rather like to avoid it.

Four wisps of fox fire dance along with him, casting everything in a ghostly blue light.