Quote Originally Posted by Phosphate View Post
Why doesn't he? His power doesn't come from within, it comes from a deity, the deity can cut off his "supply" of divine power whenever he's being un-paladiny, regardless of what the paladin believes.
Oh for the love of -

I get sick of having to say this on EVERY THREAD THAT INVOLVES PALADINS EVER, but here I go AGAIN:

Paladins are gods-optional. Their power flows from the immutable force of righteousness that is manifest in the D&D universe and is independent of any deity of any name, face, shape, or description. In theory, any given god should feel honored that a being as pure as a paladin chose to support their cause and religion.

Don't believe me? Read the class entry. Unlike Cleric, no mention is ever made of Paladins needing to worship gods EVER.

Seriously. Ten years of 3.5, AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO NOTICED THAT?
