Quote Originally Posted by Andorax View Post
Ashtagon, I've added Dodging While Asleep as rule 035, but I'm also listed as against it.

Even objects receive reflex saving throws...so sleeping individuals shouldn't be denied what even objects receive. I'm not sure if I want to propose it as RASCD, but I personally DM sleeping individuals as "Dex 0" with regards to reflex saves (-5 to the check).
1.Against the new rule 35.

2.Can we *PLEASE* get some kind of nomination procedure, cause this is, imho, another example of a 1-vote wonder that shouldn't have even received an official rule number.

3.Dex 0, is again, penalizing sleeping(which you can still hear while doing) more than objects.(A lvl 1 sleeping wizard would have -5 ref while a wand would have a +2).

4.As for the inevitable 'well just deny the dex bonus', I'm going to pre-emptively vote no to that one too.