Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
England, Scotland and Wales form Great Britain. Add Northern Ireland and you get the United Kingdom. Then add the rest of Ireland and all the little islands and such and you get the British Isles.
I know, I was just being silly and wondering why they need to specify that it is Great Britain, rather than merely Britain. I presume it is historical (Britannia was the Roman name for the province south of Scotland, derived from the Hellenic name for the British Isles, Brettanai), but I only have Wikipedia as a source at the moment.

Sorry if I appeared ignorant. I tend to be poor at articulating well. ^_^'

Quote Originally Posted by pffh View Post
About the uterus thingy we aren't that far away from being able to clone organs so I wouldn't be surprised that if shortly after the uterus transplanty and the sperm to eggs thingy are ready to be used we would be able to just make a new uterus.
According to the Illustrated Science magazine (poor source, I know) we already have cloned organs, but it is not yet at the stage where it could be done in large numbers.

Know if there is any truth to that or if it is just a stealthy science fiction story?

Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
The placenta is partly formed from the uterus but most of it comes from the baby. So that wouldn't be a problem. You'd have to have a modified SRS, because you want somewhere for uterine wall to exit when you menstruate. Yes, the joys of PMS would now be available for trans women.
I would have mentioned the linked article as well, but I have no clue whether their sources are accurate.

Obviously this can only be solved by infiltrating the Cracked Headquarters, finding their secret knowledge and use it to infiltrate the base of Science! :3