Quote Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
Like me. Well, I'm not that incapacitated, but there are times I am hardly able to function or think properly. I don't know what I would do without my handy monthly painkillers.
And yet I've met girls who didn't understand that and emphasized the "natural=good" part of PMS... *seething anger*
I feel like it's the wrong parts that are overdramatized. Hormones? Yes, they're involved, but it's not what turns some women into rabid monsters or agonizing trainwrecks (having been both, I feel these terms apply to me, yes). It's the pain. And occasionally, the utter annoyance of inadvertently staining clothes. If people understand prolonged pain is a huge factor in what makes Gregory House extremely cranky, they should be able to understand the same goes for many individuals every month.
No, in the cases I mentioned the pain plays no role; SSRI help, and SSRI have no painkilling ability. This is something else.

Also, Natalie of Sincerely Natalie Reed has had a hell of a month. She has been misgendered and mocked at McDonald's (and had to stand there and just take it), and then some [redacted] trans women heaped further abuse on her by mail. I don't know the details, but it was a lot about how she looked and ****. Please, go to her blog and show your support - she needs it right now.