Quote Originally Posted by Surfing HalfOrc View Post
Huh... Learn something new every day. I always thought slashfic was some sort of fan fiction where a popular character or characters are killed in an exceptionally violent manner.
That's "slasher fic," which may be a term I just made up. "Slashfic" comes from the slash in the descriptions (eg "Kirk/Spock"). I believe that it could originally refer to any explicitly sexual fanfic that featured a non-canon pairing, but most fics in that category involved gay couples, so "slashfic" now refers specifically to gay couples. In general, there isn't a special word for fanfics with opposite-sex parings, since that's the "norm," unless the pairing is so extreme that it falls under the "crack pairing" banner (so, "Zuko/Jet" is a slashfic, "Zuko/ Katara" is a shipfic with no special adjective, and "Katara/Ozai" is a crackfic).