Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
Story Time

Myrim smiles and heads to sit with Tito, Renetta and Flamecrest. "Hello. I'm Myrim, who are you?" She smiles and sets the bag of raw fish nearby- she's willing to share, though I'm not sure anybody else is.
Don't forget Waterstrider is there too, but Wolfy won't be posting for him at the moment. "Oh, hello. I'm Renetta and this is Flamecrest." Renetta waves the little cub's paw for her. I don't know if you're aware, Earl, but Renetta has quite dramtically changed in appearance. She is in my sig banner on the right side. Flamecrest resembles her of course, as well as Waterstrider oddly, but Myrim won't know why it's odd.