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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Apr 2008

    Default Re: Soft Serve's Syllabus of Monster Classes. (3.5) taking requests!

    I think the platinum horror gets the short end of the stick, at low levels at least. The others get an SLA that's really useful at 2nd, and platinum gets comprehend languages.

    Also, wondering if you could say 'the Saw can be treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon, whichever would be more appropriate at the time'?

    Keeping the flavor of the class in mind, what if you could sunder objects to get raw materials equal to the item's total gold value? (Thinking of Electrum Horror here) - lets you sunder without ticking off your party.

    Would you be unduly offended if I tried my hand at putting a class (maybe the clockwork horrors) together using the idea I'd suggested to you in our IM conversation? I'm interested in tackling the construct issue in a manner that isn't just cutting out skills/saves/bab.
    Last edited by Hyudra; 2012-05-02 at 10:15 AM.