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Thread: Cormyr - The Tearing of the Wave

  1. - Top - End - #267
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Cormyr - The Tearing of the Wave

    Not waiting for an answer, the inquisiutive elf, wallks closer to the doors and suddenly realizes one of them is open. Ryxikor instinctively reaches for his rapier, which has been lost for nearly two weeks, he then reaches for his dagger on is right hip, concealing it under the folds of his cloak as he enters and walks quietly towards the sword drawn guards, taking a path that would put any pillars between him and the guards if they turn.

    AC: 15
    HP: 24

    move: 15 ft to ac10
    standard: sleight of hand (hide dagger): (1d20+12)[20] (+2 wearing cloak)
    Last edited by puffmagicdragon; 2012-05-02 at 06:37 PM.