Quote Originally Posted by hustlertwo View Post
Go on, Buck. Prep 'em for the big smackeroo.

Buck boogies over to E-4 and Leers at his psychic foe.


The Pokemon rushes Buck, attempting to bash it with a tiny fist that simply bounces off against Buck's thick hide.

Quote Originally Posted by MesiDoomstalker View Post
Ethan frowns. A Light Screen won't hurt us. But now we are seperated for good. Its a Light Screen. We can't pass through it, but it won't last forever. Just go ahead and search the upstairs. Ethan releases Ollie. Hey buddy, do you think you can find someone for me? Ollie hops around excitedly before starting to sniff all around. While Ollie sniffs, Ethan tries to find the kitchen.

Soon enough you find the kitchen. It seems empty and you begin to search it. Olly doesn't find anything with his smelling. You open one of the cabinets, and a small pink puffball of a Pokemon that you identify as Jigglypuff walks out.

Quote Originally Posted by IrnBruAddict View Post
'Gotcha Ethan. I don't think we are in danger yet. She could easily have hurt us if she wanted to. This is part of her little game and I have to admit, I'm enjoying it.'

Romeo and Elly try and track the girl down.

Romeo perception [roll]1d20+[/roll]
Elly tracking [roll0]
Elly races upstairs, heading straight down the hallway. Soon enough you find yourselves in a bedroom with a large number of Pokemon dolls, their plastic eyes following you around the room. The room seems childish, playful, not somewhere you'd expect somebody as famous as the Copycat to sleep.

Elly is growling at one doll in particular, a small, dark, and dirty one lying in the corner.