Quote Originally Posted by Esprit15 View Post
It's probably for the best that Artemis was in a good mood from making such progress with Prolios, or she'd have probably scattered the boy's cards to the wind and left without a word. Instead she gives him a disinterested look and reads his mind. "I'll assume you don't mean by trying to kill each other with the cards. I have no concept of how to play your game, sadly." Her response is slightly annoyed, but she's bored enough to play along. How about taking a step back and talking to me from a normal distance instead of right in my face.
"Sorry," the kid says, backing away. He dashes across the park to bug somebody else with his game.

Quote Originally Posted by IrnBruAddict View Post
Romeo trusted Elly's sense. Either that doll was Copycat, or it was a trap of some sort. He sends out Luna.

'You aren't the only one who loves cute stuff CC. You like dolls and I have an adorable bear. Luna, go grab that doll and bring it over here for me to look at, but don't break any of Copycats stuff.'
Luna starts to waddle over to the doll, but halfway there stops and turns, running straight at you, wrapping its arms around your leg and shaking in fear.

The dolls slowly sits up, eyes glowing maliciously. As you look around in terror you see more and more dolls have their eyes start to change to a dangerous orange.

Quote Originally Posted by MesiDoomstalker View Post
Sleep checks

It takes you awhile, but soon you wake up, bound and gagged, lying on the kitchen floor. You see a young woman next to you. She grins hugely, then her face begins to change. Slowly her entire body changes to match, eventually ending with her taking your form, looking exactly like you. She pulls the glassess off your face and puts them on, completing the illusion.

Quote Originally Posted by Eshkigal View Post
"Booster. Can't shift pokemon type, just make other attacks more effective."
He takes the money.
"Anyone else want one? I'd prefer to make one trip if I could."
A handful of other kids line up, handing you enough money to make anther four. Three request Fighting ones while the last asks for a Dark one.

Quote Originally Posted by hustlertwo View Post
Thanks for coming!

He looks to Buck.

Let's get outta here, pal. I think this is a well we should not come back to very often, or else we're going to end up getting our brains wiped by angry, broke psychics.

Not seeing his newly found comrades, Paul heads back to his place. He fires off another message to Romeo as he goes, with Buck following close behind.

Hey, leaving gym now and heading home. Sending address now. Come on down when you're ready to juice up my Sandshrew.

He sends another one to Gerald.

If you're wanting my Hardcase inside your Sparky to make up some buggy babies, come on around to my place. Address to follow.

Meanwhile, Paul sends out Hardcase.

Now, I've been brusque with you, rough even. Perhaps I haven't given you a fair shake. Now let's see if I can give you a chance to make your case, Hardcase.

Paul breathes deep and attempts to connect to the Kakuna.

In a flash you are inside the bugs mind. You can see what it is currently thinking about you, namely pulling itself to the cieling while you sleep and crashing down on your jewels. It seems to hate you with a passion.